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Process Tank 2 Agitator



  • Doing safety requirements correctly 

  • Excellent way for having proper and correct training

  • Pictures and instructions make it easy for employees to understand


Job Requirement

  • Explain how to perform the employees job requirements correctly 

  • Lets the employee know during training what is required of them

  • Help to be sure employees are performing their job correctly and maximize production


Equipment Setup

  • Have photos that can be labeled and instructions for how to setup certain equipment

  • Know that the equipment is set up properly and reduce downtime

  • Make it easier to train new employees on how to set up the equipment if they are unfamiliar with it.

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Process Tank 2 Pump


  • Doing safety requirements correctly 

  • Excellent way for having proper and correct training

  • Pictures and instructions make it easy for employees to understand


Job Requirement

  • Explain how to perform the employees job requirements correctly 

  • Lets the employee know during training what is required of them

  • Help to be sure employees are performing their job correctly and maximize production


Equipment Setup

  • Have photos that can be labeled and instructions for how to setup certain equipment

  • Know that the equipment is set up properly and reduce downtime

  • Make it easier to train new employees on how to set up the equipment if they are unfamiliar with it.

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