Capabilities Our Layouts Offer That CAD Doesn't

Have a pictorial layout of where your floor drains are located to help when you have issues with your drainage system.
Drains tagged with number to be able to find and reference with layout
Photos of each drain and reference where its located
Can provide laser measurement of drain
Have any of these areas created with our
360 Camera

Have a pictorial layout of where your air lines and connections are located to help when you have issues with your air system.
Air lines and "T" connections with option of the connection diameter noted with pictures
Easily find the areas you have any issues with air leaks or air flow ​

Have a pictorial layout of your electrical room and important electrical panels. This will help finding the correct room and a specific electrical item when you have problems or adjustments. ​​
We will label the doors with room numbers to be able to find them easier
Photos and safety information such as lockout tagout and PM for your electrical panels and equipment​​